⭐️ Senior Frontend Engineer (React/Typescript) — employee # <= 3

Skills: React, TypeScript

Cron's vision is nothing short of building the time layer for the workplace of the future. Time is our single most precious resource yet we primarily use calendar software that hasn't changed since Outlook (90s) or Google Calendar (2006). If you're into using and building high-quality productivity software, read on!

We're looking for a senior frontend engineer to join our tiny team of A+ people and build the foundations of Cron. Email Raphael Schaad (CEO) directly at [email protected].

Why join

As a small team, we work in a highly collaborative environment and you'll have the opportunity to participate in every part of the business from idea to production.

Impact: Build the foundation and shape engineering practices, team, and company culture.

Excellence: Practice your craft with other A+ ICs in a well-organized, fast-paced environment.

Ownership: Influence the direction of product and strategy — we care about your opinions.

What you'll do (responsibilities)

We're looking for experienced individual contributors who enjoy working alongside other experienced engineers and designers to quickly build and iterate on UI/UX/features.

  • Build the core, user-facing product. You'll build the product from the ground up, having a huge and direct impact by shipping your work to users on prod daily.
  • Use modern web tech and influence the stack. We use React (functional components, hooks), MobX, styled-components, and TypeScript to build a best-in-class frontend that scales. We started out with Svelte+JavaScript and always have an open mind to adopting new technologies.
  • Self-direct your work and co-own the product. You'll have autonomy and responsibility because we are all individual contributors. You'll be involved in shaping the roadmap and owning the execution of it. You'll build a tool that improves your own day-to-day life and that users love.
  • Build complex and delightful UI components. You'll interpret and implement designs based on anything from pen & paper sketches to pixel-perfect Figma mocks. You'll collaborate with designers on CSS, interaction states, and animations, to rapidly ship UI that has a native feel to it.
  • Improve performance by profiling and optimizing rendering. You'll make every interaction feel snappy, working alongside like-minded engineers who sweat the details to make sure every render runs at 60 FPS.
  • Solve interesting technical problems. Bring your full creativity to solve super-challenging technical and UX problems: from real-time collaboration, native Electron integrations, syncing app state, to nifty keyboard-driven interactions.

What we're looking for (qualifications)

We expect you to have experience in this job and the technologies we use but don't have requirements for formal qualifications. We're looking for people who enjoy picking up challenges, figuring out the best way to solve them quickly, and feel a sense of duty to our users.

  • Highly productive while producing quality code. You enjoy pushing out UI components and features in a pragmatic and maintainable way. You know when to use duct tape and when to lay foundation.
  • Curious and quick learning. We don't expect you to have experience in every technology we use, but to learn and be productive quickly.
  • Design sensibility. While you'll co-craft the interface with top designers, we expect you to have a knack for great UX, such that you feel if something is off and can flag it, or better yet, polish it.
  • Attention to detail while pragmatic. We strive for few slips in code, reasonable Git hygiene, and clear written communication — all while remaining low-ego and simply focusing on solutions.
  • Interested in productivity apps/systems. You might use your calendar to time block deep work, try out Chrome extensions, configure custom app launchers, or self-optimize in other ways.
  • Good heart. We're friendly people, desire harmony in our collaboration, and don't tolerate jerks.

What we offer (compensation & benefits)

We'll treat you well. If there are any other benefits that are important to you, we'd like to hear.

  • Competitive salary and equity — multiple options based on your desire for ownership.
  • Health insurance — for employees anywhere, not just in the US.
  • Paid time off — 4 weeks paid vacation, paid sick leave, and paid parental leave.
  • Fully-distributed culture — live and work where you'd like (US–EU time zones).
  • Co-working space — company-paid co-working desk in your local community.
  • Hardware setup — new MacBook Pro, big display, and accessories.

How to Apply

Interested in learning more what it's like to build Cron with our tiny team of A+ people?Email Raphael Schaad (CEO) directly at [email protected].

  • Include this role's title in your subject line.
  • Send along links that best showcase the relevant things you've built and done.
  • Tell us briefly why you're interested in joining Cron.

Diversity and inclusion are core to our culture. If you are a member of an underrepresented group in tech, we strongly encourage you to apply.

This role not the right fit? If you resonate with our mission and think your profile would be a great fit, send an email to [email protected] and pass along any information you believe is relevant for consideration.

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