Border: Senior JS/React Visualization

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Headquarters: San Diego, CA

Border is looking for senior web application front-end developers for a job focused on high resolution, cutting-edge data visualization of large datasets in a browser.  The ideal candidate is self-motivated and experienced in setting up a complete front-end web/Javascript project and architecting a final solution with a RESTful backend.  This will likely be using WebGL and 3D modeling to perform the visualization, so familiarity with WebGL or 3rd party libraries that utilize it are required.  Experience in large data set visualization using Javascript charting libraries is desired.  We also believe that experience in programming graphics for 3D web based games using frameworks such as Unity that utilize WebGL could also be applicable.

Tech stack

  • React 16+/Angular 4+
  • Javascript (ES6)
  • WebGL framework (TBD)(three.js, Unity, etc.)
  • D3 for 2D visualization
  • Neo4J for back-end database and graph visualization
  • Redux
  • Jest (unit tests)
  • Storybook JS (UI component development)
  • Styled components
  • Webpack 4
What you will do

Your primary responsibility is develop a cutting-edge application that visualizes a large n-dimensional dataset. This includes:

  • Taking written and design requirements (in Figma, Confluence) and implementing in React/Angular/CSS
  • Ability to assess a technical or design requirement and break it into subtasks with accurate estimates on time to deliver
  • Documenting your design and implementing core components/documentation using Storybook.js
  • Deconstructing design and business requirements to architect back-end API contracts
The most important requirement of the job is communication. All communication is done via Slack/Hangouts/phone, which means you respond quickly in Slack to questions and you do not hesitate to reach out and discuss concerns, questions, or issues with the team. Of course, you are ultimately measured on the quality and timeliness of your output, but we have seen many competent consultants fail; they failed not because they could not code, but because they were not good at communicating status or working with the team to achieve common goals.

The position is fully remote and can be done from anywhere in US continental time-zones. Preference is on the west coast, since our headquarters is in San Diego, CA. Second would be east coast time-zone, since client work will be interacting with mostly New York City.

What we seek

  • Minimum of 3 years experience working with React/Angular professionally and a minimum of 5 years of professional Javascript framework experience.  Experience in React is desired, but any Javascript framework such as Angular will also work.
  • Experience in WebGL or any framework using it for 3D graphics within web browsers (at least 2 years)
  • Full-stack experience working with different back-end architectures, including Node and Neo4j
  • Experience in charting/data visualization Javascript libraries such as D3 or others for large data-set visualization
  • Experience in UI development for web games using Javascript with frameworks such as Unity could be applicable and could be applied to data visualization
  • Experience in data visualization WebGL with frameworks such as would be highly desired
  • Experience in Javascript build tools and production workflows including Webpack configuration, bundle configuration, and production optimizations
  • Someone with an eye and patience for detail, who is able to take visual requirements and reproduce pixel-perfect replications in code
  • A clear communicator that is able to articulate problems and even present architecture/design in front of clients. If you don’t like to speak in front of groups, or don’t like interacting with other humans, then this job isn’t for you.
  • Self-motivated individuals who know they need to get a job done and do not require constant hand-holding or oversight.
  • Someone who desires remote work and autonomy. This is not for you if you think of work as a chance to meet people and make friends around the water cooler. You also need to be able to clearly separate your work time from the rest of your life and diligently get the job done.
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from We Work Remotely: Programming Jobs
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